MageCraft Season 2 Changelog

This announcement is probably the biggest we have ever had. You are probably eager to learn what we have been working on the past months. You can find details on everything that has changed here. Let’s start with the teams.
In the first season we had five teams. We found that this system worked well, but there were always two or three teams that were more active than others, causing other teams to succumb to inactivity. Because of this, we have decided to keep the team system, but this season, there are two teams out of which you can choose. Their names are Orindor & Valaris.

The map size is the same as it was the end of the first season: 40.000x40.000 blocks. However, in Season 1 this was split five ways, as there were five different teams. This season it is split only 2 ways as there are now only two teams. This effectively more than doubles the size of available ground for you to build on or explore.
In Season 1, the spawn made up the center of the map. In this season, we have placed the spawn outside of the survival map. This was necessary to introduce the next feature of this season, the Wastelands! Just like last season, there will be a warzone where teams can battle it out. This has been rebranded to the Wastelands. This time, the it can be found in the center of the survival map, and is 2.000x2.000 blocks big.

Just like last season, you can PvP, grief, or whatever else you can think of. Everything goes here! To the average listener, this place sounds like a place of mayhem and chaos. To give you a reason to visit this godforsaken place, we have thought of another new feature: Airdrops! Every couple hours, airdrops will fall from the sky.
The times at which these will drop vary. The loot these drops contain will vary greatly, from basic resources such as wood, to a new custom enchant, exclusive to the airdrops.

We found that players were able to obtain overpowered loot relatively easy last season. To make things more interesting, we have thought of a couple ways to make life more challenging for experienced players.
Firstly, we have implemented a dynamic difficulty system. The longer you survive without dying in the survival world, the harder life will get. Mostly, this will mean that mobs deal more damage to you than you are used to. You will be able to see which difficulty category you are in on the scoreboard on your screen.
For questions you contact us on discord!

Secondly: we have changed the way the Nether and the End work. The Nether will be available starting from Mage Level 25 (increasing from 15 in the last season), and the End will remain locked until you reach Mage Level 50. Each day, the Nether will open for one hour, varying from the afternoon to the evening. The time at which the Nether opens can be checked using /nethertimer. However, on each 5th day, the End will open instead of the Nether. When this will be can be checked using /endtimer. After each session, the dimensions will reset, so each time you enter the dimension it will be completely new. This means that from the second the End opens, you have one hour to kill the Ender Dragon and explore the outer islands. All forms of explosions have been disabled in both dimensions. I would also like to take this moment to say that killing other players (it does not matter from which team) is still strictly forbidden. However, since both dimensions require a significant amount of playtime in order to enter, we expect very little incidents.

Next, we have completely rebalanced the leveling system. Season 2 will keep the same basic setup of having to gain MageEXP, but more EXP will be needed to level up, and the prestige feature has been removed. In this season, there are three ways you can gain MageEXP. The first way is by just playing on the server. Every 10 minutes you will gain 250 MageEXP.
The second way is by completing quests. In our first season, we had a less-than perfect questing system. Because it was very underwhelming, we have completely redesigned it. Upon typing /quests you will be shown a menu of quests, divided into 5 subcategories. More subcategories, and therefore more quests, may be added in future updates. Every quest has 4 to 6 tiers, increasing in difficulty. Each tier of each quest will award you with 250 MageEXP, meaning that gaining EXP this way will become much harder as you go. The first tier of a quest is mostly very easy, but we are pretty sure that some of the harder tiers will never be completed by anyone. Prove us wrong!

Each tier of each quest will award you with 250 MageEXP, meaning that gaining EXP this way will become much harder as you go. The first tier of a quest is mostly very easy, but we are pretty sure that some of the harder tiers will never be completed by anyone. Prove us wrong! The third way is by completing a new type of challenge: the daily quests! By typing /dailyquests you can view your set of three daily quests. You will have an easy, medium and hard quest every day. The easy quests shouldn’t take up too much of your time, but hard quests could easily take you an hour (or two).

Lastly, we have two features which were requested by our community. The first is /bottle. You can use /bottle to store your enchanting experience, so you can safely store the experience you have. These bottles can be traded freely. However, upon using this command, 20% of your experience will be lost. Security comes at a price!
The second feature is a token of gratitude to every player that has played in the first season. Some of the more observant players may have already noticed: everyone who has joined the server at least once before the update, will be awarded a special [S1] tag, which can be used by typing /tags.

We were very strict in not naming a release date, because we did not want to make any false promises. Consequently, this announcement means that we don’t need any more time for development, that part has completely finished. That means that you won’t have to wait very long anymore: Season 2 will be opened to the public at saturday 25 Jan 19:00!
We hope you’re as excited as we are about the update! There are a couple more features that we didn’t name here, so you can explore them for yourselves. We hope to see you at the opening!